Monday, November 16, 2015

Holy shit

So I started this blog literally years ago. Made one post and then forgot about it. 

I kept thinking about what kind of online presence I wanted to be. And how I wanted to sound and come across to others. First thought in my mind I wanted to be cool. And there you can see the 90's kid shrugging her nonchalance. Second thought was I wanted to be positive which I felt sometimes comes across as self-righteous. And then I kinda stopped thinking because I hate being self righteous. 

It's hard when you're such a self aware hater. When you easily find annoying things with what other people post online, it is just as easy to find those irksome things in yourself. Takes one to know one. So I am basically pissing myself off with every post I write. Sometimes I'm self righteous, smug, politically correct, arrogant, ignorant, racist, discriminatory, bad grammar, bad punctuation, overly apologetic, overly unapologetic. Or maybe just plain boring. 

But who cares right? It's just a blog. It's just words and ideas. It can't do any harm. 

I like sarcasm so I don't complain about it. Unless I am being stupid and someone is using sarcasm to point it out. And of course that's annoying because I haven't mastered the art of laughing off my mistakes yet. That takes skill and practice and I am lazy and proud.

That said. I just want to write a little. For a person with zero creative artistic talent or skill, and without patience to sit down do stuff. Writing is like a really basic creative outlet where I can make something that's completely me. It's probably crap, but I made it guys. That's all that matters to me. 

Though sometimes what you make pisses you off like the teenager in your house that used to be adorable. It happens. At least you made something. 

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