Friday, May 25, 2012

Man is Evil

I used to believe in the righteousness of people. The honesty of man. 

I used to believe in the innate goodness of humankind. That even if nobody was watching, people would ultimately do the right thing.

Seems that somehow the internet has proved me wrong. So many hateful messages surfacing on the internet from faceless people who want to vent anonymously. It is like the internet has become our personal diary, we write our secret thoughts thinking people would just dismiss them and secretly hoping for the attention. And of course there are those whom intentionally write derogatory comments with all intent to provoke.

Maybe that's why Muslim groups in Indonesia are fearful of a Lady Gaga concert. They know how easily their followers can turn over to the dark side. They fear the corruption they perceive Lady Gaga brings. 

I like Lady Gaga, not because I'm interested in the devil, blasphemy or abstract ideas of fashion. But because of what I think she stands for. I think Lady Gaga stands for freedom. The freedom to express who you really are, instead of meekly adhering to societal norms. The freedom to stand up for yourself and be honest about what you think. The ultimate stand against any and all form of suppression. Believing in yourself enough to fight for your right to not be bullied into submission.

There is so much hate these days. The Singaporeans lash out against the Chinese immigrants. Ironically, most Singaporeans are descendants of immigrants themselves. The Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) rail against the degradation of Muslim integrity and religion with violence. I'd like to believe that everyone agrees that violence is the worst form of degradation and decay that could present itself in a society. If that is not true, I really want things to change.

Man is Evil. And Evil deserves a capital E because of the damage a single Evil person can do. And I want to do what I can to change things for the better. Because I'd like to believe that I am a good person. And even though the good in me is not as strong as it is in many others, even though I am right now but a person with random words. I'd like to think that an idea is contagious. And whilst the idea of Evil runs rampant through the heads of many, 

I would like to try spreading the idea of good. I want to believe good can be contagious. Do something nice for someone instead of complaining about something bad that happened to you. Vent if you want but in a way that doesn't spread the hate. Help an old lady cross the street. Buy a random present for no good reason. Invite a friend out to lunch and catch up with their lives even if you've lost touch and you feel weird calling them out of the blue. 

Be good. It really doesn't take that much out of you. It's really not as pretentious as some people make it out to be. No you're not being self-righteous as long as you're not preaching about how good you are. Just do whatever it is that you think is a good kind act because the world needs more good actions. Now more than ever.

Be good.